
Theme informations

Thank you for purchasing our theme. In this document, we provide all kinds of good information with all the details you need to use our theme. We hope you have fun and enjoy working with our theme. If you need more help, please feel free to

System Requirements

To run WordPress your host just needs a couple of things:


The theme is compatible with the following browsers fix design:

WordPress Core

You download and install WordPress version 6.6 or later

Theme Package

At Download You Need. Theme Forest.Net Account Log In Page Locate the theme that you purchased in your Downloads list and click  Download button

Theme Installation

Installation Setup

Follow the steps below to install via WordPress:

  1. WordPress Admin Panel, go to Appearance > Themes
  2. Click  the Add New and Upload Theme buttons
  3. Click on the Choose File file on your computer and click and the Install Now button
  4. click install and Active
  5. required // Then you will get a notification about installing the required plugins

Required Plugins​

Required Plugins list

Appearance > Install Plugins to install them.

Theme Panel

Wp admin panel dash bord Go To  Appearance -> Customize Click Open Theme Panel Bord

The_ Theme Cutomize Option List...

Panel Options 7

Panel click any sections-> goto setting-> open customize live preview design no reload page 

Theme Section

Theme customize click section top fixed auto scroll page

Header options

Theme options

Footer options

Buttons options

Font page options 1

Mobile style

Blog design

Font page options 2

Site Title & Logo options

Add Site Title & Logo Other Favicon

Header Follow the steps below to set up the logo & site title others favicon:

  1. Site Title & Logo Options Click select logo upload file and select
  2. And Site Title Input fields site name
  3. Description Tag input fields
  4. Site Favicon option

Header style

Header setting

  1. The theme with 4 different header layouts. Just choose one of our header layouts for your site.
  2. scroll menu fixed options
  3. theme container mod

Header Layout

Social area

Social media link
link click new tab window

Header Fields options

  1. Input fields 
  2. stor details
  3. Stor location

Footer logo

  1. Footer Show / hide options
  2. logo upload change img / remove click select img 
  3. img width
  4. Subcribe form show / hide


logo img

width – 220px

height – 60px

Footer Typography

Theme customize live design

Footer Typography Rest Settting

  1. Content Padding any site single padding or multiple padding
  2. Text Transform, decoration, family, weight, alignmet, style, font size, letter scpcing, line height 
  3. Font color,  Background color


setting access modify design new customize your footer content layout 

Footer Heading

Footer Header & Sub Header Rest Settting

  1. Heading Padding any site single padding or multiple padding
  2. Text Transform, decoration, family, weight, alignmet, style, font size, letter scpcing, line height 
  3. Font color


Dashbord user any setting access modify design new customize your footer header and sub header layout 

Footer Buttom

  1. Footer buttom section site copy right link
  2. pament mathod img


site copy right url link and pament method img

Tempalte Page

Wp admin dashbord goto-> click pages-> add new page click add title any name type follow right site default template click open font-page click and Publish...... After that the page view


HomePage Style

Go to FontPage Options -> click Home Page Style any select new home design

Home design 2 template page layout body

Typography Styleing

Customize content live design setting

Home page design customize any content style feature

Typography content reset click all customzie design reset
  1. Content Padding any site single padding or multiple padding, margin
  2. Text Transform, decoration, family, weight, alignmet, style, font size, letter scpcing, line height 
  3. Font color


tab open icon next, tab label

Header Styleing

Customize Header & section header design live

Home page design customize any content style feature

  1. Header & section header Padding any site single padding or multiple padding, margin
  2. Text Transform, decoration, family, weight, alignmet, style, font size, letter scpcing, line height 
  3. Font color


Next tab section header 

Design page setting 1

Design page setting 2

Page Layout

Page layout and reset setting

  1. Rtl mod
  2. Backgroud color & hide option
  3. Background Img & hide option more plus position select
  4. Shop page layout
  5. Single product page layout
  6. Blog single page layout

Shop Page

  1. product per page range
  2. select product  columns 2 ,columns 3 ,columns 4 , columns 5, columns 6 design
  3. add to cart  change text
  4. product order ASC/ DESC change selected
  5. product catelog. date/popularity/bestsell/rating/low to hight/hight to low changeing catelog options
  6. more show hide view options controls
  7. next tab click category
  1. multi background color text colo
  2. font-size, weight, family,transform,border type, border color, border height, radius
  3. Different background for each category for multi bg

Single Page


Why give a product single link? past input fields

  1. Why give a product single link? past
  2. add to cart button text change
  3. and product buy now button
  4. more controls show hide options

Header & section header font size

  1. multi background color text colo
  2. font-size, weight, family,transform,border type, border color, border height, radius
  3. Different background for each category for multi bg


Theme customize all button design setting
button click

Live preview button cistomize setting no-reload page


Buttton default color mod more controls setting option and hover system add design feature

Mobile Style

The_ Theme cistomize heading and content responsive design fixed


Tablet design structure setting options


Mobile design structure setting options

Blog template

Blog template section click view index page open

Important Note:

Blog template page link copy and top input fields past

Why not give a link? If you click on the blog template, the page will be auto-viewed

  1. home slider hide show
  2. category hide show
  3. post per page
  4. excerpt comtent lenght
  5. readmore buttton text change
  6. icons change and position

Single page

Single page section click view single page open

Important Note:

Blog single page link copy and top input fields past

Why not give a link? If you click on the blog single, the page will be auto-viewed

  1. post title
  2. post title show hide
  3. cotegory/author/date/tag/after-before/related/comment show hide options

Add Your Heading Text Here


Theme manage widgets. Goto Appearance -> widgets click just open

  1. E-commerce Page Sidebar only product page
  2. Single product page sidebar only single page
  3. Blog single page view sidebar
  4. Footer view sidebar

Open sidebar

Add shotcode

  1. sidebar open click shotcode past shotcode

Important Note:



Create A New page

Follow the steps below to create a new page:

Goto admin panel-> pages click Add new page

Follow right default template click to default template dropdown list open Font page click 

And save publish

And follow the side view page click / font page 

Setting Home

Home Page Setup

  1. Wp dashbord In your admin panel goto settings
  2. reading static options select home page
  3. dropdowen list check template name/Font page click
  4. next save change

Create New Blog Page

  1. Goto admin panel-> pages click Add new page
  2. Follow right default template click to default template dropdown list open Blog page click


  3. And save publish


  4. And follow the side view page click / Blog page

Blog page setup

  1. In your admin panel goto settings
  2. reading a static options select post page
  3. dropdowen list check template name/Blog-page click
  4. next save change

Woocommerce Install

Required plugins install

There two ways install plugins

  1. Your theme goto apareance-> install plugins. You install Woocommerce the required plugins list
  2. Install Woocommerce form the plugins page

Woocommerce Setting

Set up after woocommerce

Page setting

WooCommerce page You will go to the Settings select shop page

To assign the Shop page, you select the Products tab

To assign the My Account, Cart and Checkout pages, you select the Advanced default tab

Currency options

  1. WooCommerce Settings page, you select the General tab
  2. You find the Currency Options section and configure your currency

Add Product

Priduct list